Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What Does that tells You?

Well I said my prayers tonight, I dosed off for about an hour and I was wide awake again. Am watching American Pie: Band Camp in hopes of falling asleep, but in reality I am wide awake and worried. I am worried because at 11am Monday morning my mom called and told me she was in the ER. I was aware of the fact that she was going to the doctor Monday morning, but I wasn't expecting her to go to the hospital. My mom have had a chronic cough for years now and it's not getting any better most people will notice the severity of the cough and seek medical help, but no not my mom. She waits until the last minute when it comes to her health. Her excuse is "I don't like doctors". About 3 months ago she was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with Triple Pneumonia. That type of pneumonia is so rear in the states that the doctor had to ask her if she left the state recently. Now again, this morning it seem that her cough was so sever that the doctor sent her to the hospital to get some test done. At 3pm she called and told me that there keeping her overnight. That's is not the type of news I wanted to here. As I lay here in bed right now I can't stop thinking about her. I wish she would take her health more serious at times. Me and my mother DO NOT have the best relationship but I do Love her. She is a grown women why should I her daughter have to scold her on something that is so important I just don't know sometimes. I said a prayer for her, I just hope she will be OK.

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Bless Up!

Look at the nation,

Look at the nation,
that's a crooked smile braces couldn't even straighten!