Tuesday, September 15, 2009

P.Swayze Death Touch me For One Reason;

I felt a little sad last night when I heard about Patrick Swayze death due to Pancreatic Cancer
he was only 57years old I consider that pretty young to die. I will tell you why it made me sad besides the fact that I really enjoyed two of the actors movies one is his 1987 film Dirty Dancing and the other His biggest hit came in 1990, when he starred in Ghost with Whoopie Goldberg and Demi Moore.

Well back to why his death hit home in my heart is because back in 2000 my mom was diagnosed with Breast cancer she went ahead and had the lypnote removed but refused to get kemo which has never really been medically  proving to cure cancer but it is a treatment that is common for most Cancer patient well due to her not following up treatment like she should have 2 months ago she feel ill again and doctors think that the Cancer has now spread to her lungs and bones in her case if so it is UNtreatable... Everyone in our family knows this could have been prevented if she had done what she was suppose to but we cant make her feel bad about something that has already taken it coruse so from here on in all I can do is give her the support that she needs.

So I said all of that to say this my mom is only 52 years (yes she is a young mom) and she is living with Cancer also. We never know what tomorrow holds, To know that this man Patrick Swazye; who was diagnosed in January 2008, living for more than a year-and-a-half with this extremely deadly form of cancer died so fast is a bit scary to me in reflection to my mom.

Patrick Swayze and Pancreatic Cancer If you were to look at statistics the prognosis that is given to most patients with metastatic cancer is usually three to six months There are a couple of things about pancreatic cancer and one of them is that about 50 percent of patients will already be at the metastatic stage of the disease when they show the first symptoms.No doubt that it is a bad disease to have but you’ve got to look at this like the glass is half full and not half empty.and it seems Swayze did just that — living life to the fullest right until the very end

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Bless Up!

Look at the nation,

Look at the nation,
that's a crooked smile braces couldn't even straighten!